Dear Tabby – My Husband’s an Alcoholic
DEAR TABBY: My husband has been a prolific drinker his whole life–I knew this when we were married years ago, but since we always shared nights out, it never got out of hand. Now, though, he’s been drinking to excess, irritable and flakey. Our friends have noticed. It’s also affecting the bedroom. My attempts to broach the topic are always shut down. How do I get through to him? — ALCOHOLIC’S STUMPED WIFE
DEAR ALCOHOLIC’S STUMPED WIFE: That’s very brave of you, to call yourself stumped. Most hoomins tend not to draw attention to their deformities. As for your husband problem, it may help to distract him from the pleasure and numbness he’s seeking in alcohol. Start mixing catnip into his breakfast in slowly increasing doses, and consider rewarding sober nights with a can of wet food. He should soon return to petting you lovingly in the bedroom, just like the good old days.